Personalized plans for athletes who want to set and exceed their goals

Whether performance or endurance-focused, get results with balance and sustainability while giving back to the universe and the communities that support them.

Make it Happen.

Setting goals is step one; meeting them requires a plan. We define success not only by crossing a finish line, but by helping athletes set up for long term sustainable success by focusing on active recovery, injury prevention, and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.


 How it Works

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Meet Coach Liz.

As an active competitor interested in growing and pursuing my own success, I needed to learn ‘how’.

“How can I be a better athlete?” “Why does one athlete succeed where another fails” “How does the body respond to training, and more importantly, over-training?” I learn by understanding ‘how and why”. I first pursued USAT coaching certification to answer my own questions, to make me a better ‘coached athlete’; it was in that journey that I found an opportunity to combine my love of learning, with my passion for helping. Coaching allows me to share in the excitement of an athlete setting and crushing a goal, feeling success; while providing us all a way to give back to the community.

My mission is to provide a platform for athletes to meet sustainable success; to live to race another day, to do what we can, while giving back to those that can’t.

Meet Coach Rob.

“You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable”. - LH

Courage is not the absence of fear – courage is being incredibly scared and going forward anyway”. - JD

Coaching is in my blood! I am happiest when I am coaching clients and seeing them be successful reaching their goals. My passion for helping individuals of all ages and abilities to achieve their health, wellness, fitness and personal life goals will be evident in my commitment to you as we work together to reach your endurance goals. I believe that every single goal that one has set for themselves is attainable. In order to achieve these goals, one must have the desire, determination, motivation, belief and support needed along the way during his/her journey. That is where we, Core Endurance Coaching comes in.

My mission is to give 100% of myself to each and every client so they too can experience that feeling of achieving those long term goals. There is no better feeling than crossing that finish line knowing that you have put the work in and properly prepared like you have never done before!


Our two charter charities are F*ck Cancer and Clean Ocean Access.

If you’d like to BE epic, LIVE healthy, FEEL support, ENJOY success and GIVE back,

Get Started Today!

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation, just contact us below. 

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Let's Get Started